Innovation Summit 2024 - Alaska Futures Surveys and Scenarios
The Innovation Summit program this year is focused on the transformative impact of scenario planning to help us imagine and create the future Alaska we want. It is an interesting approach that isn’t based on getting to a preferred alternative but rather on seeing more clearly the many alternatives, some of which may develop in parallel with others. It is a different approach (exploratory scenarios) that you and others you know may find interesting.
Innovation Summit – https://www.jedc.org/innovation/
We are asking for the input of Alaskans before the Summit to help us develop a set of draft scenarios that will be developed further at the Summit and then be available for additional development and projects through 2024. Your participation will be valuable, and you will be registered to receive a copy of the report of the combined results of the surveys.
Initial results collected but open for input until 2/23 – Survey 1 – What is your Best and Worse futures for Alaska, and the issues and decisions that are critical to our future? https://forms.gle/eA6ZMNdJk1vScqBH8
Initial results collected but open for input until 2/23 – Survey 2 – What are the critical uncertainties (high impact and high degree of uncertainty), and who of the key actors that will affect the futures for our state? https://forms.gle/riJmjWfYFAMoHZ3e7
ACTIVE – Survey 3 – Rank the combined issues, decisions, and uncertainties collected during the prior surveys. Results are requested by 2/20. https://forms.gle/cnqaUz7eed5niyU19
All surveys will remain open for input until February 23rd.
If you have any questions or issues with the form, please contact Ky Holland at kyholland@akv3.com
Privacy and Use of Data
Some notes about the use of the data we are collecting:
Your responses are confidential, and your feedback will be summarized with other responses. Anyone completing this or the other surveys in this project will receive a copy of the summary report of everyone’s responses.
These are Google Form surveys. If you are using your Google account, your work will be automatically saved for 30 days on your account. A Google account is NOT required. You can stop working on the survey at any time, and none of your information will be sent to AKV3 or JEDC until you click on the “Submit” button at the end of the second section.
Your response will be coded so the source is not identifiable, and your email will not be stored with your responses. We will be aggregating results and not providing any identifying information in the reports or data analysis sets. The raw data will not be shared or public. You can stop working on the survey at any time, and none of your information will be sent to the research team until you click on the “SUBMIT” button. If you want your submission removed, contact us.