About Us
Alaska Version 3 is an innovation-focused community and economic development nonprofit organization.
We are engaging Alaskans in the question, ‘What’s Next, Alaska?’ and guiding their efforts to take strategic action to create their future.

Our Story
Alaska’s economy is already changing in many positive ways that are recapturing the best of our historic culture and self-reliant local systems; and, building on an industrial legacy of national and global connections. We are accelerating the transformations taking place to create a new unique Alaskan economy that serves the next generation of Alaskans, local communities, and the world. Our Impact Engagement Model applies the Strategic Doing discipline and the “Agile Economy” framework of: Creating new Opportunity Narratives, Building collaborative Open Networks, Investing in Talent, and organizing Quality Places; across Alaska.
We started meeting in the fall of 2020 exploring the tools of Agile Economic Development and the question, What’s Next, Alaska? Over the course the year our discussions continued every Friday morning exploring issues of interest that would accelerate our next economy. We continue to meet Friday mornings and all are welcome. This year we are building our organization while executing our first major project that implements our model to guide local communities to link and leverage their existing assets to develop projects with long term benefit induced by the national Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act in Alaska
What We Do
AKv3 is a community and economic development nonprofit organization that applies the framework of agile economic development and the tools of Strategic Doing to facilitate connections and collaboration that create powerful cross-sector networks and communities that can take action to address our challenges while building a more prosperous, regenerative, and resilient Alaska.
- Agile economic development,
- Strategic Doing,
- Creativity, arts, and Innovation,
- Economic Transformation (S Curves) and
- SDG and Regenerative Economic outcomes
“We move in the direction of our conversations.” (Ed Morrison) Weekly, quarterly and online conversations are hosted to explore shared outcomes, link and leverage assets, and and support strategic action.
Projects are selected based on alignment with our focus on engaging people and communities who want to develop their capacity to accelerator community and economic transformation based on open networks, opportunity narratives, shared outcomes, and strategic action.
Startup communities and innovation ecosystems are the engine of civic, social and market opportunties. Faciltiating coalitions and cooperation is creating new possibilties for the Next Alaska economy and communities for our Next Generation.