with Alaskans and global partners

AK V3 Weekly Discussion Friday 10AM
Join us each Friday at 10AM for different discussions about accelerating the development of Alaska’s Next Economy. All Fridays are open to anyone, however the 4th Friday each month is a AKV3 Board Meeting. Contact AKV3 for Zoom meeting access.
1 Million Cups - Anchorage /Online Wednesdays 9AM
Join us Wednesday mornings at 9AM in person in Anchorage or online with Zoom or Facebook for a pitch and community connections.
Monthly Founders Workgroup - 2nd Tuesday 5PM
If you are a Founder of an Alaskan Business and would like to join our Founder’s workgroup, please fill out the form below and you’ll be added to the meeting invite.
The purpose of this group is to:
1. Provide a group space for Alaskan Founders to discuss and share experiences.
2. Use our collective knowledge and experiences to find solutions to issues we face as entrepreneurs.
3. Un-silo Alaska’s Entrepreneurship ecosystem.
With the AKv3 team
Weekly AKV3 Discussion Fridays 10AM Online
Join us each Friday at 10AM for different discussions about accelerating the development of Alaska’s Next Economy. All Fridays are open to anyone, however the 4th Friday each month is a AKV3 Board Meeting. Contact AKV3 for Zoom meeting access.
Facebook Page
Visit our Page for notices and shared content. Join our Group for discussions on topics of group interest. All are welcome to post information related to building our future communities and economy in Alaska.
Facebook Group
Join our Group for discussions on topics of group interest. All are welcome to post information related to buildign our future communities and economy in Alaska. Posts in this Group may be duplicated on the Linkedin Group, but here will focus a bit more on the people and community discussions.
Linkedin Group
Join our Linkedin Group. Content here may be shared with information found on the Facebook Group, but with a bit more economics and business focus.
With the Alaska Founders Group team
If you are a Founder of an Alaskan Business and would like to join our Founder’s workgroup, please fill out the form below and you’ll be added to the meeting invite.
The purpose of this group is to:
1. Provide a group space for Alaskan Founders to discuss and share experiences.
2. Use our collective knowledge and experiences to find solutions to issues we face as entrepreneurs.
3. Un-silo Alaska’s Entrepreneurship ecosystem.
you are an important piece of the conversation